Encounter Service

Encounter Service | Saturdays at 5PM

The Prayer Room’s weekly Encounter Service is a time for the whole community to come together for a time of worship, fellowship, and in-depth Bible study where we focus on themes pertaining to prayer and the hour in which we live.

Saturday nights are the one time each week that everyone from all our various prayer meetings can all be together. These nights are a great way to continually fuel vision for the house of prayer and enjoy one another. In fact, once every couple of months we take the night off from our normal time of teaching for what we call Connect Nights. These are times where we spend the evening eating and playing. Keep your eyes and ears open for communication about the next one that’s coming up.

Saturday nights are a great way to get a feel for who we are. Worship starts at 5 p.m., followed by a time of teaching on our current teaching series.

If you would like to know more information, email info@tprdfw.com.