Our Community
TPR’s community is probably unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Exalting Jesus is the center, fun is a priority, and serving together in a 22-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week prayer room is where we find our common ground.
People come from all over the region to enjoy our little prayer room. In a short amount of time, many of them become our close friends and co-laborers to see Jesus lifted up night and day. We’re committed to Him, to each other, and to the mission. Come get involved!

We’re a passionate community of mostly young adults from all sorts of backgrounds (all are welcome here) who are pursuing Jesus together and are set on building Him a 24/7 offering of corporate worship and prayer. This community is full of successful people and goofballs alike. Our community is just like you! We’re from dozens of local churches from all over the metroplex, and we’re all committed to helping build The Prayer Room using our gifts, talents, and time in a wide variety of ways.

Our community is founded on the Word of God, night-and-day prayer, enjoying rich relationships, and seeking the Lord together. We would love to have you come run with us!
Check Us Out
Visit Us in Person
Join us during one of our live-worship led prayer meetings. We are open 3 a.m.–1 a.m., seven days a week. You can view our prayer room schedule »
Watch Our Livestream
If you can’t stop by in person just yet, that’s okay. Check out our live stream »
Weekly Service
We invite you to join us at our Encounter Service on Saturday evenings at 5 p.m. For more information, including our current area of study, visit our Encounter Service page »
Interested in Joining Our Community?
Check out our Get Involved page »