Our newly revamped young adult internship.
Pulse is a part-time young adult internship (18-35 years old) designed to fuel a vibrant heart for God by giving you an intentional season set apart for the Lord to deepen your walk with Him. You will be challenged through powerful Bible teachings and interactive group discussions. You will be given many tools to grow in a life of prayer and opportunities all semester to practice these tools. You will also build godly relationships with other interns and TPR community members through intentional fellowship moments. Additionally, interns sign up for two weekly prayer meetings (one all together and one of your choosing) which creates a unique environment to grow in relationship with other interns, TPR's community, and most importantly with the Holy Spirit. At around 10 hours per week, the part-time schedule of Pulse is very reasonable even for those with a full-time job, school or other responsibilities. Jump in with us for a season set apart for God and watch what He does in your life!
What to Expect:
Learn how to grow in a lifestyle of prayer, encounter God more as you read the Bible, hear His voice more clearly, see Him move through you as a minster of God, and discover what God is doing in this generation. We want to provide you with a season to inspire you and awaken your heart to go deeper in your life in God through provoking classes, discussion times, and weekly prayer.
Upcoming Pulse Semester —
Dates: TBD
Grow in Your Life in God
At least 4 hours per week spent in our prayer room
Learn prayer tools to connect with Jesus
Learn to engage more with the Holy Spirit
Monthly participation in our community-wide fast (first Mon-Wed each month)
Going Deep in the Word
Grow your understanding of God’s purposes for this generation
Deepen your understanding of God’s heart for the house of prayer
Be challenged to have a life vision to know and love God
Engage in enriching Bible discussion to process what you’re learning
Living in Authentic Community
Be in a weekly prayer meeting with other interns
Talk through how you are growing as you learn new prayer tools
Weekly dinner and time of fellowship to eat and connect with other interns
TPR’s Encounter Service which includes worship, teaching, and fellowship
Basic Weekly Schedule (10 hours per week)
*Interns all attend the Saturday 3-5pm prayer meeting and choose one other prayer meeting to attend per week (sample above shows the faculty's suggestion of the Friday 7-9pm prayer meeting).
*Only one FSM class is required, taking two is optional.
Course Components:
Prayer Room
Our prayer room is the center of our base and time spent in God's presence is always one of the most impacting components of Pulse. Interns consistently tell us they were marked by the Lord through the concentrated time spent in the prayer room each week.
House of Prayer Foundations
This class introduces many of the core messages that envision and sustain those in the house of prayer. Interns will leave with a better understanding of what the house of prayer is and why the house of prayer is an essential part of God’s plan for this Last Days’s generation.
Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM) Track
These are rotating tracks of The Prayer Room’s Bible courses that all help make sense of our mandate of building night and day prayer and living with clarity about the End Times. Whatever the course is, interns can expect to spend a season going deep into a specific topic and have many onramps for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to encounter them.
Community Meal
We really value knowing those we are running with and want to create onramps to build godly relationships that are enjoyable and provoke us in our assignment to build the house of prayer together. Conversation during the meal time is completely organic and interns often find themselves laughing as they enjoy getting to know one another.
Tuition for a semester of Pulse is $300 and includes a non-refundable $75 application fee. A weekly meal together is included in your tuition. *Discounted Rate for Current Staff ($200). Interns have the option of taking an extra FSM course for an additional $75. Since Pulse has rotating FSM courses each semester, interns are able to take Pulse more than once at a discounted price of $150. For those who are coming from out of town, we apologize that we do not have housing available at this time. You will need to arrange your own accommodations.
Program requirements:
The Prayer Room is a parachurch organization, not a local church. We are grateful to be in partnership with churches all across our region and we require that our interns attend their home church weekly. If you do not have a local church, we can help you find one that fits you, as we know many great ones in the area.
Contact Us:
For any inquiries about our Pulse Internship, email the director of our internships, Luke Fredenberg.