TPR is calling a 21-Day Feast! Our community needs a fresh touch from God to learn how to receive His affections and to enjoy Him presently in this season. In a time like this, we'd normally call a fast, but we realized that in our current depleted state, a fast might end us. So, instead, we are going to lean heavily in the other direction and call a 21-Day Feast.

For questions, please email

Meals together:

All of Sacred Trust (people committed to at least one weekly prayer meeting) is invited to eat together every night! You are welcome to come to every night if you want, and you’re encouraged to aim for 3x/week so that we can really enjoy this time together.

What: Dinner provided by TPR, and occasionally potluck-style
Who: Sacred Trust and family living in their home
When: 6:30-7:30 every night March 2-22
Where: Upstairs at TPR in Multi 1/cafe

An RSVP poll will be sent daily by text.

Unfortunately, we can’t afford to feed the whole city, so we’ve limited the feast to those who are helping run the prayer meetings (Sacred Trust; committed to at least one prayer meeting a week). Feel free to join a prayer meeting for the duration of this feast to be included!

Prayer room:

We may be feasting, but we’re going to pray like we’re fasting! We will rally into our prayer room for these 21 days with a strong corporate prayer focus on encountering Jesus and asking for awakened hearts. Let’s press in as a community for Him to show up and spend more time reaching just like if we were on an extended fast. All of our prayer topics will be focused on this subject. Join us in the prayer room 3:00am-1:00am as much as you’re able.


During these 21 days, Encounter service (Saturday 5:00pm) will include a 3-part teaching series on receiving from God. Service will end early at 6:30 so that everyone on Sacred Trust can eat together upstairs.