Cities of Refuge

By Brad Stroup

The judgments of God are in the Earth; sent to teach the peoples of the world righteousness and to alert a wicked planet that there is a righteous God who judges sin. These judgments are actually only a warning and are intended to awaken hearts to repentance before the real judgments break out (Re. 6, 8-9, 16). God’s end time wrath will fill the world with death, difficulties and the dread of the Lord. But there is a prescription for dealing with pending judgment, it’s the same as it has always been; corporate prayer & fasting. God’s desire is to raise up protected zones in the midst of the coming trial, places where His mercy rests instead of judgment, where provision and protection are the offered liberally. The Church has been given an invitation to actually impact if and where these pockets of His mercy will rest; the Lord is calling out to His people to partner with Him to assure that there will be cities of refuge.


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