End Time Themes

There is perhaps more information in the Bible on the generation that the Lord returns than any other time period, event, or topic in all of scripture.  Many are not familiar with the 150 + chapters that God gave us on this important subject and so don’t have a biblical foundation for what they believe about the end times.  The unfolding of the end time drama is a major part of God’s overall plan of redemption, which ends in the second coming of the Christ.  These teaching series cover a wide variety of subjects related to the trends and events that the scriptures prophesy will unfold in the final generation.

End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Great Tribulation

The great tribulation is the promised future time of unequaled distress; Jesus said it would be the time of God's judgement on those who oppose Him. But it is also the hour of God's greatest victory through the Church. In a phrase the great tribulation can rightly be called the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord; eclipsing all the difficulties of history and ushering in the age to come. For 3 1/2 years Satan will be openly worshiped while the Church will rise into her destiny in the midst of the trial. God will use these events to punish the wicked, overthrow governments of and destroy the old infrastructure. He will exalt His Church, make the authority of Christ known and bring everything to a climax.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Assuring Cities of Refuge

The judgments of God are in the Earth; sent to teach the peoples of the world righteousness and to alert a wicked planet that there is a righteous God who judges sin. These judgments are actually only a warning and are intended to awaken hearts to repentance before the real judgments break out (Re. 6, 8-9, 16). God’s end time wrath will fill the world with death, difficulties and the dread of the Lord. But there is a prescription for dealing with pending judgment, it’s the same as it has always been; corporate prayer & fasting. God’s desire is to raise up protected zones in the midst of the coming trial, places where His mercy rests instead of judgment, where provision and protection are the offered liberally. The Church has been given an invitation to actually impact if and where these pockets of His mercy will rest; the Lord is calling out to His people to partner with Him to assure that there will be cities of refuge.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Creation’s Groan

The Bible depicts our world as the precious garden which God created in order to nurture and sustain human life. Since the fall of man the entire created order has been stained with the guilt of sin and scripture describes creation as groaning for all the wrong things to be made right. Right now the world is crying out for the return of the Savior who will restore all things, renew this present Earth and completely remove the sin that has contaminated it. In this series we will look at both the positive and negative aspects of how this longing will manifest in the Earth; this will include many surprising details that make it clear that Earth has a personality and is determined to express herself in some powerful ways in the midst of the unfolding of the end time drama.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

False Messengers of the Last Generation

The New Testament often highlights a disturbing trend that will touch the Church in the final generation in profound ways. The Bible describes a significant increase of deception that is coming to the globe; it details the vast scope of impact that deceiving ideas will have in the last days as well as the alarming anointing that will accompany them. If we are not careful we will be poisoned by false teaching, wowed by false signs and even believe in false Christs. The power to overcome these great deceptions is simple; believe the Bible and live out it’s teachings. There will be many who stray from the truth and so are caught in the web of deception that is a promised component for the last generation. Those that are not grounded in the truth will be likely to fall to the persuasion of intoxicating false ideas and systems that are forming even now and which will fully develop in the coming decades.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Beauty and the Darkness

This series focuses specifically on the contrast between the beauty of the Lord and the darkness growing in men’s hearts. Jesus’ nature, beauty and glory will be shown brighter in the last generation than at any other time in human history and at the same time the level of rejection of God’s goodness and invitation into redemption will be greater than ever before. Both darkness and beauty will rise together and everyone will have to choose what to do with this man Jesus. Each soul will make it’s own judgment about Him and His ways; to either see them as right and Him as beautiful or to embrace every dark inclination of the heart and refuse His light, love and truth. This series is a look at the war that will be waged in the last days over the affections of the human heart related to the splendor of Jesus even in the midst of His judgments.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The End Time Role of Blood, Fire, and Smoke

The Bible describes the end times as full of surprising realities; many of which will be disruptive and destructive. God has ordained a unique set of end time trends specific for that hour of human history. At first glance some of these seem impossible because of how disturbing they are; one such trend is the unexpected role that blood, fire and smoke will play in the end time drama. The unnatural pouring out of this deadly combination will cause major interruptions around the globe and we are intended to see these as signs from Heaven. God will use blood, fire and smoke in unprecedented ways to punish man’s rebellion against Him. The use of these elements in this punitive way is both intriguing and quite unsettling.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

When the Antichrist Reigns

The Bible makes it clear that a terrible time is coming when the Antichrist will rise and reign on the Earth for a short period. In this series we will look at what the scriptures have to say about that fateful hour of history and we will investigate some of what we can expect life to look like under the leadership of the most evil man in history.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Intro to the End Times: 3 Part Series

There is perhaps more information in the Bible on the generation that the Lord returns than any other time period, event, or topic in all of scripture. The unfolding of the end time drama is a major part of God’s overall plan of redemption, which ends in the second coming of the Christ. This series serves as an introduction to the major themes that the scriptures prophesy will come in the decades just before His return, in the time frame of His coming and the events that follow there after.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Intro to the End Times: 8 Part Series

There is perhaps more information in the Bible on the generation that the Lord returns than any other time period, event, or topic in all of scripture. The unfolding of the end time drama is a major part of God’s overall plan of redemption, which ends in the second coming of the Christ. This series serves as an introduction to the major themes that the scriptures prophesy will come in the decades just before His return, in the time frame of His coming and the events that follow there after.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

God’s End Time Plan for Israel

The Bible describes in detail the destiny of one nation start to finish; Israel, described as the apple of God’s eye and the place of His future rule. As believers, living in what we believe to be the final generation, God’s thoughts and agenda for His nation is more important than we can imagine. We have been unwittingly influenced by our culture’s growing anti-Semitism, we live in the fruit of the decisions and policies about God’s people that our national leaders have put into place, and all the while God watches to see how His Bride will respond. In this 3 part series we will look at the difficult path ahead and eventual exaltation of this little Middle Eastern nation.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Coming Difficulties

The Bible declares that unprecedented trouble is coming to Earth. It tends to be human nature to try and minimize the bad so that we can cope, but we want to be careful that we don’t dumb down these realities to the point where we can’t feel them. This three part teaching series paints a picture of the difficult times that are coming, describing some of the details of what those difficulties entail and how they will affect the Church.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Signs of the Times: 8 Part Series

Many are eager to know what the Bible has to say about when Jesus will return and what exactly are the events that must come first. This study is designed to give an overview of the signs that are laid out in scripture as prerequisites before Christ’s 2nd coming. These sessions will give a biblical foundation for the signs as well as be a resource in helping to discern what to and what not to pay attention to with regard to identifying the time frame we are living in. If you don’t already know the biblical signs of the times then this study will be a great resource to you as well as provide many convincing proofs that we are living in the last days.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Victorious Church at the End of the Age

There are many surprising and exciting aspects of the end time drama that we believe the Body of Christ will experience in the coming decades. The last days can rightly be defined as both great and terrible (Jo. 2:11, 31); this series will focus on some of the “great day” dynamics related to God raising up His Victorious Church that will stand firm in the face of difficulty. The Bible paints a picture of the Church in the last generation walking in power, prayerful, righteous, unified and fully embracing Jesus’ leadership. The hope of this 3-part teaching is to help us piece together how the Church fits into these great dynamics, that we would be able to recognize them in the scriptures, rejoice about them ahead of time and then participate with them as they begin to unfold around us in the coming decades.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Harlot Babylon

The Harlot Babylon is probably one of the most important subjects for the Church of this hour to understand. Though there is an abundance of information in our Bibles about this end time harlot the subject remains mostly unknown or misunderstood. The prophets spoke about the last days and the resurgence of Israel’s ancient enemy; Babylon. These prophecies tell us that she will once again have great power and reach the heights of wickedness just before the end of the age. Alluring, deceitful, and all consuming, her harlotries will soon fill the Earth. This study touches on a variety of end time themes as they pertain to the end time rise of Babylon; signs of the times, the coming of the Antichrist, the role of Israel, the Great Falling Away and the increase of wickedness in the earth.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Two Witnesses

God will raise up two men in the last generation to help provide the Church with the necessary leadership she will need to stand against the onslaught of the coming Antichrist regime. These men will be of real flesh and blood and stand as the foremost examples of the forerunner ministry at the end of the age. The purpose of their ministry is to bear witness for God and His ways as well as stand in witness against unrighteousness. Their testimony will resound across the Earth striking terror for the rebellious and stirring up hope for the redeemed.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Bridegroom, King, and Judge

There are several aspects of God’s nature that have become widely accepted in Church culture in terms of our understanding of who God is. At the time of the second coming of Christ the world will be challenged however with three particular aspects of Jesus’ nature that have not been highlighted in previous generations. He promises to reveal Himself to the final generation as Bridegroom, King and Judge. This series explores these three dynamic faces of Christ and gives us a biblical foundation for each.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Second Coming Procession

As foundational to our faith as the resurrection of Christ is the reality that Jesus is coming back to be a literal king here on the Earth. His return will usher in a 1000-year reign and the establishment of a new regime under His leadership. Heaven is currently planning a hostile take over of the planet in order to destroy everything that hinders love and establish the Kingdom of God. Jesus is coming with the armies of Heaven to dash the nations and destroy all that is in His way. He will punish nations, peoples and the Antichrist systems that are in opposition against Him. Jesus is coming for His Bride, to bring her the justice she is due and to claim His inheritance. The Second Coming Procession is the dramatic series of events surrounding Jesus’ return; it is where He shows forth His true identity and majesty, which was veiled at His first coming.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Cities of Refuge

The judgments of God are in the Earth; sent to teach the peoples of the world righteousness and to alert a wicked planet that there is a righteous God who judges sin. These judgments are actually only a warning and are intended to awaken hearts to repentance before the real judgments break out (Re. 6, 8-9, 16). God’s end time wrath will fill the world with death, difficulties and the dread of the Lord. But there is a prescription for dealing with pending judgment, it’s the same as it has always been; corporate prayer & fasting. God’s desire is to raise up protected zones in the midst of the coming trial, places where His mercy rests instead of judgment, where provision and protection are the offered liberally. The Church has been given an invitation to actually impact if and where these pockets of His mercy will rest; the Lord is calling out to His people to partner with Him to assure that there will be cities of refuge.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Great Falling Away

There are very real consequences for not being aware of what the scriptures teach (Ho. 4:6). There are even more perils promised for those who refuse to heed the commands of God; who do not do what the scriptures teach us to do (Mt. 7:13-14; Jn. 15:2, 6; Ro. 6:23). The Bible promises that a delusion will come with such strength in the last days that it will actually cause a great number of believers to deny the faith and choose the path of wickedness. Jesus and the New Testament writers warned us sternly about this because those who go this path will end up in Hell.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Clothed in the Resurrection

It may be that our greatest physical reward in the next age will be our glorified body. The quality of all life is determined greatly by the condition of our physical capacities, namely the strength of our body. If our body is healthy we have a much wider range in life and diversity of activities, however if we are sickly or weak then we are limited significantly. Our strengths and weaknesses, skills and unique qualities in the next age will greatly enhance our experience. In eternity we will each be given a new body that the Lord promises to clothe in resurrection power and included supernatural upgrades. This series takes a look at what the Word of God has to say about our resurrected body and how they will vary diversely according to the choices that we make in this life.

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