House of Prayer Leadership

There are perhaps a countless number of strategies on how to organize people to begin praying and then continue praying together for sustained seasons of time (years or even decades). These House of Prayer Leadership Tracks are three part trainings aimed at leaders who are currently leading or who aspire to lead a praying church or house of prayer. Each series breaks down one of the broader aspects of how to practically develop and administrate a prayer culture. The sessions provide insights gleaned from dozens of houses of prayer as well as years of first hand experience.

House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Promotional Efforts

You can’t afford not to market; if no one knows that you are there then no one will come to your prayer meetings. In our modern context, promotion is just as much a responsibility of the leadership as paying the bills in order for the ministry to operate and grow. Keeping in mind that the primary audience for most house of prayer ministries is going to be the 20 year old crowd your effort need to be aimed in a specific direction and your presentation matters. This leadership track covers variety of subjects related to branding and promoting your ministry in a way that makes people aware of what you are doing in order to hopefully get new people to come visit.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Organizing People to Pray

The main task of the director of a prayer ministry is to recruit and organize people to pray. We live in an event driven culture where people will show up for a one off prayer event that is promoted well, but the story is a very different when you start talking about building a culture of prayer where prayer meetings happen every day in an ongoing way. The most important reality for the existence of a house of prayer is that there be people in the room every time you have scheduled prayer meetings but this is the single most difficult thing to get our noncommittal generation to actually do in a sustained way. This series provides some ideas on how to navigate that and help people be successful in making and keeping commitments to come together for prayer.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Keeping the Vision Before the People

The call to keep regular prayer meetings going is rigorous work. In order for people to stay the course of making prayer a priority in the midst of our culture people need to be filled with revelation about why and clear about the impact they are having. It is essential that the leaders of prayer ministries clearly and regularly present the vision and then continue to keep the vision before the people or they will not have the sustaining grace to stay steady through the years. This series focuses on the what, why and how of vision casting.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Creating a Simple Prayer Model

Prayer meetings are difficult to keep going in a daily manner; without some structure it can be nearly impossible. You don’t have to have much regarding human or financial resources to still create a helpful prayer model that allows people to flow together in prayer meetings. This resource breaks down some simple concepts of how you can bring form to your meetings which will make them more enjoyable and sustainable for the long term.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Building Your Team

Leading a house of prayer is a lot of work, far too much for one person to handle alone. In order to effectively lead there needs to be a team of people who are all sharing the load of management and taking responsibility for the sacredness of keeping the fire on the altar. This leadership track helps identify what to look for in prospective leaders and the various job descriptions you may want to consider as you build your team.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Building Community

Building the house of prayer is hard work and it takes more than deep commitment for things to flow smoothly long term. Having a strong community that builds together is essential for the health and enjoyment of those involved but this will not come naturally. A company may be formed in a moment but a community is forged over time with great intentionally. It only become s a reality relationships are fought for and made a priority but the benefits are innumerable. This track focuses on the importance of having a close-knit community to building night and day prayer. It also providing strategies that will help you establish or strengthen your community environment.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Beginning & Sustaining Prayer Meetings

The most difficult part of a house of prayer is keeping prayer meetings going and getting people to continue to attend them once you’ve started. We did some things right in the beginning and then we did a number of things that I wish I could go back and do completely different. This Leadership Track shares practical ideas of how to get your prayer ministry up and running even with very limited resources.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

HOP Administration

The purpose of this leadership track is to identify some of the practical administrative efforts necessary to run your prayer ministry. Most of these concepts are not unique to the house of prayer but would be helpful for getting any sort of ministry started. It’s been my experience that many of those who the Lord is calling to build His house are pioneers who have never had to form a ministry before and don’t have anywhere to identify the proper steps to take. When we started off I certainly had zero experience to these simple steps; not even enough exposure to them to know that these where things I was supposed to do. Now that we’ve been helping ministries launch for some years we’ve found the details of this session to be invaluable for many.

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House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup House of Prayer Leadership Brad Stroup

Recruiting Mechanisms

Every leader wants for their prayer ministry to grow and we are constantly looking for ways to get new people involved. But the nature of the house of prayer asks people to do something they aren’t used to; to actually commit to spend time each week in a room with other believers to pray. As is turns out not everyone that you meet will want to make this commitment or be willing to continue doing it long term. This means that for your prayer ministry to continue to grow you will constantly need to be recruiting new people into the vision. This series focuses on ideas and systems that have proven to be effective in bringing in new faces that you can present the vision of the house of prayer and call to lives of prayer.

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