Wholehearted Living

We have been invited to live powerful lives in Christ. God requires that we fully obey Him and that we embrace the Word of God as true and apply it's teachings to our daily lives. These resources are meant to provoke us to live wholehearted lives and in pursue fullness in our ministries.

Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Ministry of the Holy Spirit: 8 Part Series

God's Spirit is the greatest gift any person could receive; He brings salvation and empowers us to walk with God. It is important for every believer to be well acquainted with the main characteristics of who the Bible says He is and what we are promised as those with His Spirit inside of us. This three part series takes a look at the nature of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Word of God. The focus of these sessions is to help root us in powerful truths about Him and what He wants to do in and through us.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Ministry of the Holy Spirit: 3 Part Series

God's Spirit is the greatest gift any person could receive; He brings salvation and empowers us to walk with God. It is important for every believer to be well acquainted with the main characteristics of who the Bible says He is and what we are promised as those with His Spirit inside of us. This three part series takes a look at the nature of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Word of God. The focus of these sessions is to help root us in powerful truths about Him and what He wants to do in and through us.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

The Forerunner Mandate

The generation that the Lord returns to is unique in history, one that requires a specific message and specific sort of messenger. The truths that will be stressed during this unique time-frame are firmly rooted in the scriptures but will seem like new ideas because of the direction that the Enemy plans to take the culture and conscience the generation that will see the Lord’s return. It is a primary purpose of the forerunner ministry to warn about His coming, His judgments and to get the word out about how to partner with the Lord as these end time realities unfold. It is the Lord’s heart to let the Church and lost world know what is about to happen ahead of time so that they might have the chance to repent and prepare for what is coming. The Lord is calling forth forerunner messengers in this hour. This series helps to explain the dynamics that the last generation will face, making it clear that this will be different from every other time in human history and so the rules are different.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Sermon on the Mount

In Matthew 5-7 Jesus lays out the constitution of the Kingdom of God. This portion of scripture, called the Sermon on the Mount is the litmus test to measure true spiritual development and ministry impact. We can measure our ministry by how much the people we impact seek to walk out the Sermon on the Mount values. This series lays out the values found in these chapters and emphasizes how we can apply these truths in our lives and ministries.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Hearing God’s Voice

The God who created the universe and who redeemed us to Himself isn’t done with us. God has a voice and He desires to speak to us but hearing Him isn’t an automatic for us, we must learn to turn our ear to Him in order to begin hearing His precious voice. The most basic premise of hearing God speak is the initial recognition that He actually has a voice and that the Bible promises that He will use it in His interactions with us. In this series we will take a look at what the Bible has to say about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how we might grow in hearing the voice of the Lord.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Forerunner Calling

The generation that the Lord returns to is unique in history, one that requires a specific message and specific sort of messenger. The truths that will be stressed during this unique time-frame are firmly rooted in the scriptures but will seem like new ideas because of the direction that the Enemy plans to take the culture and conscience the generation that will see the Lord’s return. It is a primary purpose of the forerunner ministry to warn about His coming, His judgments and to get the word out about how to partner with the Lord as these end time realities unfold. It is the Lord’s heart to let the Church and lost world know what is about to happen ahead of time so that they might have the chance to repent and prepare for what is coming. The Lord is calling forth forerunner messengers in this hour. This series helps to explain the dynamics that the last generation will face, making it clear that this will be different from every other time in human history and so the rules are different.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Character of a Godly Leader

When we came to Christ we all became leaders in some respect simply by the virtue that now we carry the words of life that a dying world is in need of. Jesus left us with a commission that each of us are to partner with Him in various ways to lead people into the truth and submission to all of His teachings. Therefore we very much want to understand what the Word of God has to say about the concept of leadership and the kind of example leaders should set in whatever sphere of influence they may have. This series looks at the overall pressures put on leaders and helps us to define the characteristics of godly leadership.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Standing Against Common Attacks

The Devil is a personal Devil not just a concept of evil, he is real and his forces are real. The Apostle Paul tells us that we are in a fight against demonic forces and not against people or circumstances (Eph. 6:13). If we do not keep ourselves aware of that fact then we can frequently find ourselves overcome by temptation and spending energy fighting against people; even people we love. This series is not a theological breakdown of how spiritual warfare works, though it certainly touches on that some. Instead the focus of these teachings is to identify three common avenues of attack; offense, anxiety and depression, and to give some insights into how we can stand against these in the heat of the battle.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

How to Hold Our Hearts Before God

The human heart is a complicated thing. Learning how to posture ourselves before God rightly is a life long process with many obstacles as well as beautiful moments of victory. As followers of Jesus and friends of God we all want a strong and balanced relationship with Him; there are things that we can we do to help cultivate healthy hearts that do not neglect or accuse Him no matter the circumstance. These three sessions aim to identify the deceit that is found in each one of our hearts that we must learn to overcome and how we can use the world of our emotions to cause our hearts to reach for Jesus all our days.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

When Tough Times Come

When things are difficult our faith is stretched to places we are often very uncomfortable with; we find ourselves asking painful questions and wondering where God is at in the midst of our trials. This series helps to identify that trials are a very real part of the journey, He has not abandoned us; in fact He is close by and has promised that we can have peace in the storm. His desire is that we love and serve Him wherever we are and that we press through the difficulties in order to worship Him in every season of our lives.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Life in the Spirit

When I was in my early 20’s and young in my relationship with the Lord I didn’t fully know it but God was setting a foundation in my theology by what I was reading, experiencing and hearing about. I read autobiographies about people who had dynamic lives in God, I heard stories about people who were encountering Him in powerful ways and I was regularly experiencing my own God stories. All of this was formative for my walk in God; while the cement was still drying I was learning to believe in a God who did supernatural things. This series testifies about who He is and what He’s like so that we can seek Him as the supernatural God who interacts with His people. I want to cast a vision for the young believer to believe for more and God and press into Him in their personal life and ministry. The stories told in these eight sessions will inspire, encourage and stir us up to encounter the Lord at a deeper level.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Discerning God’s Will

For the believer one of the most crucial questions in life is how to discern God’s will for us. This generation of believers is perhaps more misguided than most and many go there whole lives with little certainty about what God wants for their lives both in the general sense and with regard to their specific calling. This teaching series addresses what the Bible has to say about what God desires out of life from every one of His people as well as provides some helpful tools to discern what God has for us as individuals.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

The Call to Serve God

God who is fully sufficient, lacking nothing and powerful beyond our understanding has invited us to partner with Him in accomplishing the plans of His heart. Every believer has been given access to not only His mind, will and emotions but also to take our place next to Him and serve along side Him. We have been granted the privilege of partnership with Jesus in ministry. The call to serve God is a beautiful invitation that has been extended to us all. In this series we will look at what that call means and discuss some of the ways that we can practically put our hands to the plow.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Being Content in God

Our culture presents many competing options about what to put our joy in but the scripture tell us that contentment in God is the superior pursuit in this life, as nothing else will truly satisfy. When we place our stability on any lesser thing we can are left broken, wanting and we can be shaken in our faith. In this series we will make an effort to root our hearts simply in Jesus as the source of our contentment in this life.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Encountering God in Our Finances

Finances play a major role in our daily lives and God wants us to partner with Him with our money. Something dramatically shifted for me when I began to see money as a means to encounter the living God and I saw Him begin to respond to my weak efforts to partner with Him in His Kingdom through even small financial offerings. We’ve been given the most incredible opportunity to participate with and encounter Him as He promises to respond to the seed sown in secret. This three part series is a testimony and a Bible study aimed at changing the way we approach money and what we choose to do with it.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Power of a Focused Life

It is no surprise to us that focused people in the professional world are able to accomplish far more than those who choose to live aimlessly. Living with focus in this life is powerful even for the lost; as believers however we have been given only a short time to grow in our relationship with Christ and to do the will of God. If we are going to make the most out of this life then we need to have a life vision that aligns with what we want, the Word of God and that is centered around having a radical pursuit of God. The Power of a Focused Life looks at the strength that is available to us when we live with measurable goals in mind; the hope of this series is to help us to develop time management skills so that we can live productive, intentional lives in this age.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Eternal Rewards: 3 Part Series

The Word of God is full of promises about eternity; it speaks much about there being rewards that will last forever. The reason the scripture describes these eternal rewards is because God wants us to have them, He wants us to understand how the decisions we make now impact not only this present age but also our lives in the age to come. When we have an eternal perspective it causes us to live with focus instead of aimlessness; when our minds are full of eternity we pay attention to how we are spending our time and energies now. This series gives an overview of some of the things promised in the next age and describes how to live in this age in order to see those rewards in the next.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Eternal Rewards: 8 Part Series

The Word of God is full of promises about eternity; it speaks much about there being rewards that will last forever. The reason the scripture describes these eternal rewards is because God wants us to have them, He wants us to understand how the decisions we make now impact not only this present age but also our lives in the age to come. When we have an eternal perspective it causes us to live with focus instead of aimlessness; when our minds are full of eternity we pay attention to how we are spending our time and energies now. This series gives an overview of some of the things promised in the next age and describes how to live in this age in order to see those rewards in the next.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Breakthrough in Our Finances

Finances play a major role in our daily lives as well as in our life in God and so it is not surprising that the Bible prescribes multifaceted ways that we are partner with Him in the financial arena. Like all 20 year olds I was mismanaging my money, was self focused and had no thought that God might have anything to say about how I ran my finances. Something dramatically shifted for me when I began to see money as a means to encounter the living God and I saw Him respond to my weak efforts to partner with Him in His Kingdom through even small offerings. This began an exciting journey with countless chapters of seeing God break in on my financial situation, repeatedly impact my heart and take my faith to new levels. All of this has allowed me to see money as God’s money that I am simply stewarding over. We’ve been given the most incredible opportunity to participate with God and encounter His power hitting our hearts and our daily lives as He responds to the seed sown in secret. This series is a study of what the Bible describes as wisdom pertaining to the way we approach money and what we do with it. It includes many encouraging stories from the past 15 years sowing into His Kingdom and seeing Him respond.

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Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Principles from the Sermon on the Mount

The Gospel of Matthew records a famous sermon of Jesus’ where He lays out what can rightly be seen as the constitution of the Kingdom of God. These three chapters are known as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and they define for us what real Christianity should look like. The subjects presented in this sermon are not flashy, instead they are quite challenging because of how they impact our routines, motives and responses. In this short course we will look at the principles that Christ lays out for us and talk about practical ways to apply these values in our day-to-day lives.

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