Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation has much clarity for this generation; God has the entire Bible written in such a way that His people might understand it and apply its teachings.  The final chapters of our scripture are not for the scholars only; just the opposite, everyone is called to understand the Book of Revelation and so to prepare for what it says is coming.  These teaching resources are aimed at equipping believers to read, interpret and rightly understand the Book of Revelation and it's many themes.

Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

The Book of Revelation

This series is aimed at equipping believers to be able to read, interpret and rightly understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Book of Revelation has often been avoided as too mysterious or impractical to understand but this final book in our New Testament is a very clear message to the Church about preparing for the return of Jesus. God wrote the whole Bible so that His people might understand it and apply its teachings, it’s for the young and old, the wise and the unlearned; this is no less true for Revelation. In this extended study on what is often identified as the end times book we will look at the content theme by theme with each session focusing on one specific aspect of what is being conveyed through John’s revelation. Because of this simple and slowed approach, we believe that anyone with a hungry heart will be able to understand and enjoy what God is saying to His Church through this incredible prophetic book.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

Understanding the Book of Revelation: 3 Part Series

What has often been avoided as too mysterious to know, the Book of Revelation is actually very clear in its message once you become familiar with it. God had the entire Bible written so that His people might understand it and apply its teachings; it would do the human race little good if the final chapters of our scripture were so confusing that only a few scholars were capable to understand it. In fact just the opposite is true, everyone is called to understand the Book of Revelation and so to prepare for what it says is coming. Join us in this series aimed at equipping believers to read, interpret and rightly understand the Book of Revelation.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

Understanding the Book of Revelation: 8 Part Series

What has often been avoided as too mysterious to know, the Book of Revelation is actually very clear in its message once you become familiar with it. God had the entire Bible written so that His people might understand it and apply its teachings; it would do the human race little good if the final chapters of our scripture were so confusing that only a few scholars were capable to understand it. In fact just the opposite is true, everyone is called to understand the Book of Revelation and so to prepare for what it says is coming. Join us in this series aimed at equipping believers to read, interpret and rightly understand the Book of Revelation.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

Tour of Heaven

Most everyone has a picture in their head of what we think Heaven is like. Many times our ideas are formed by what we’ve picked up along the way, what we’ve been taught, heard from others or by what we’ve seen depicted in the movies. It’s unfortunate that most of this information had made Heaven out to be a surreal, mythical place unknowable until we pass into the afterlife. But there is a very real place called Heaven and the details about it aren’t ambiguous at all, in fact the Bible is quite clear regarding many aspects of how it looks, feels and even is laid out. This series takes the truth from the scripture and presents them together in straightforward teachings about the realities of Heaven.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

Letters to the Seven Churches

Contrary to popular belief Jesus’ last words weren’t given to the disciples before His ascension they were given to the Apostle John while he was in prison some decades later. Christ gave John the beloved His End Time battle strategy and told him to address the message to the seven churches in Asia Minor. To each church was written an intense letter from Christ to them as an individual congregation. The message of these letters however reaches far beyond the exhortation to those who received it in 95 A.D. with many implications pertaining to the Church of the last generation. Join us in this three part series as we discover the meaning and purpose that Christ had in mind in these letters to the seven churches.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

Hymns of Revelation

Outside the Book of Psalms there is perhaps no greater single source that has so impacted modern worship as the Hymns found in the Book of Revelation. These songs allow us to peer into the eternal city to hear what fills the halls of Heaven. This series looks at the context of each of these hymns, the sources that are singing them as well as the theology developed within the lines of their prose.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

Jesus in the Book of Revelation

Typically when we think of the Book of Revelation we approach it as a study on the end times; which of course this is very true. But the book is actually entitled “The Revelation of Jesus Christ,” and for good reason as it perhaps answers the question “Who is this man?” better than any other book in the scriptures. With this in mind this series looks at Revelation as a case study about a person – the God-Man Jesus Christ.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

The Spirit and the Bride Say Come

Jesus has long been waiting for the day that He gets to receive the reward of His suffering; His spotless Bride. What we don't often think about is the literal day that He will come and receive His inheritance. The end of this age will be full of judgment and reward, difficulty and blessings, but the Book of Revelation promises us that it all ends in a wedding celebration unlike anything we can imagine. Jesus is waiting for His Bride, the Church across the, Earth to cry out night and day for His coming. This teaching series takes special notice of the events that usher in the Lord’s return and the heart posture that the Church must embrace before His second coming.

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

After the Millennium

Time continues on forever; there will be no end to the human experience of life, of Heaven and of Earth. But we don’t know much about what things will look like after the 1000 year reign of Christ. There is however a portion of the Book of Revelation toward the end of John’s vision where he saw some rare details, this portion of scripture gives us the most clear glimpse into what life will look like after the Millennial Rule of Jesus (Chapter 20:7 through 21:5).

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Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

God’s Throne Room

God dwells in the eternal city and runs the entire created order from His throne located in the city of Heaven. The Bible calls it His throne of glory, it is seen as magnificent, fearful and several passages describe intriguing details that cause our spirits to long our minds to wonder. This series is intended to supply us with an overview of God’s throne room and list some of the beautiful complexities of the room that God rules from and resides in. The information is in the Bible so that we can know it and have our hearts moved by it; that intention of this study is to draw us to love Him more and search out His ways.

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