The Beauty and the Darkness

By Brad Stroup

This series focuses specifically on the contrast between the beauty of the Lord and the darkness growing in men’s hearts.  Jesus’ nature, beauty and glory will be shown brighter in the last generation than at any other time in human history and at the same time the level of rejection of God’s goodness and invitation into redemption will be greater than ever before.  Both darkness and beauty will rise together and everyone will have to choose what to do with this man Jesus.  Each soul will make it’s own judgment about Him and His ways; to either see them as right and Him as beautiful or to embrace every dark inclination of the heart and refuse His light, love and truth.  This series is a look at the war that will be waged in the last days over the affections of the human heart related to the splendor of Jesus even in the midst of His judgments.


False Messengers of the Last Generation


The End Time Role of Blood, Fire, and Smoke