Called to be an Intercessory Missionary

By Brad Stroup

The Lord is restoring the occupation of full time priests who minister before Him in the place of prayer and worship as their primary function in the Kingdom. The term we use to describe this calling is “intercessory missionary” and there are now thousands of these modern day priests serving at houses of prayer all across the nations of the Earth. These ministries have a very specific focus and in order to accomplish their mandate they require full time staff to stand before the Lord all the hours of the day and to help keep the doors open so that others are able to come encounter the Lord. This series introduces the concept, the calling and the lifestyle of the intercessory missionary. Those whom the Lord calls into this glorious reality will experience incredible and rare blessings and will also have to lay down many things in order to build God a place where He is adored night and day.


Casting Vision for the House of Prayer


Making the House of Prayer Personal