Making the House of Prayer Personal

By Brad Stroup

In the midst of every opposition and the mundaneness of being in a prayer room day in and day out it is painfully easy to loose vision for the very thing that we are doing here; building and sustaining the house of prayer. This series is about keeping the prize in sight, revisiting the why behind the what of what we are doing here at The Prayer Room and attempting to remind our soul of the value of this costly lifestyle and peculiar place we serve God in. Normally, when we spend time casting vision we try and list off all the reasons that we should run into the house of prayer; in this series however our director takes a far more personal approach and describes what has kept him rooted in the prayer room for the past 12 years on a near daily basis. These sessions are the conversations that he has with the Lord and the tools that he uses to stir himself up and which have enabled him to build a history with God in this place.


Called to be an Intercessory Missionary