The Prayer Movement & The Priesthood

God is orchestrating an unprecedented move of His Holy Spirit in the Earth today, in just the past few decades He has begun to raise up praying expressions of His Church across the nations.  The aim of these resources is to address various themes related to what God is awakening in this unique hour of history.

The Praying Church

The term “Praying Church” is not talking about anything new or anything outside of historic Christianity. In fact we really believe that the Praying Church is a returning to ancient foundations for the Church. There are some common threads that we believe are foundational to the Lord’s purposes for the Church in this hour tied to us becoming a praying people. The Lord is in pursuit of praying churches that fully embrace His heart and purposes for this generation. This series is a dialogue about the importance forming a culture of prayer as well as some of ideas about what that can look like in our various contexts.

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TPR Essential Messages

We believe that we are living in a very unique time in human history and that the Lord is establishing a prayer movement across the Earth to respond to the pressures of the day. The Prayer Room Mission’s Base is a small part of that prayer movement and we carry a message and calling tied to the Lord’s unique purposes in this generation. While all of the truths of the Bible are valuable and relevant for us today we have been commissioned to give special attention to a few key messages. This CD resource introduces the core teachings that define our calling and the essential messages that help sustain a culture of prayer.

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Vow of David

The Word of God makes some statements about David that in many ways set him apart from all other men. These calculated statements about how God viewed David have been preserved for generations as God’s way to make declaration about how unusual of a man David was and how cherished he and his life ambition was to the heart of God. This unique testimony from Heaven had everything to do with a promise that David made to God in His youth. This series takes a look at the solemn vow David made to build a resting place for God, a commitment he carried his whole life through. The sessions are aimed at helping us make discoveries into the devotion he had to see the house of prayer established and sustained in his generation.

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The House of HIS Delight

You have found yourself in a very unique environment; one that is creating a place where Jesus will eventually be adored night and day. For us this isn’t a neat side ministry, it’s the mandate that the Lord gave us and it is the main thing that we are doing and what we are about here. Now one of the blessings that the Bible speaks to is that those in His house are given great access to His Heart and to the knowledge of God. The scriptures make some interesting and powerful statements about this unusual environment and it is our desire in this series to investigate those promises as well as to come to a better understanding of how God views the house of prayer.

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Casting Vision for the House of Prayer

In Matthew chapter 21 Jesus made a profound statement about the future expression of the Church; He said that His Father’s house would be called a house of prayer for all the nations. In recent years we have seen the beginning of that prophecy becoming a reality as ministries all over the Earth are embracing a vision for establishing the place of prayer as primary in their activity. This series looks at God’s heart for why this would be the case and casts vision for what the New Testament has to say about the Church functioning as a house of prayer.

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Making the House of Prayer Personal

In the midst of every opposition and the mundaneness of being in a prayer room day in and day out it is painfully easy to loose vision for the very thing that we are doing here; building and sustaining the house of prayer. This series is about keeping the prize in sight, revisiting the why behind the what of what we are doing here at The Prayer Room and attempting to remind our soul of the value of this costly lifestyle and peculiar place we serve God in. Normally, when we spend time casting vision we try and list off all the reasons that we should run into the house of prayer; in this series however our director takes a far more personal approach and describes what has kept him rooted in the prayer room for the past 12 years on a near daily basis. These sessions are the conversations that he has with the Lord and the tools that he uses to stir himself up and which have enabled him to build a history with God in this place.

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