Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation has much clarity for this generation; God has the entire Bible written in such a way that His people might understand it and apply its teachings.  The final chapters of our scripture are not for the scholars only; just the opposite, everyone is called to understand the Book of Revelation and so to prepare for what it says is coming.  These teaching resources are aimed at equipping believers to read, interpret and rightly understand the Book of Revelation and it's many themes.

Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

After the Millennium

Time continues on forever; there will be no end to the human experience of life, of Heaven and of Earth. But we don’t know much about what things will look like after the 1000 year reign of Christ. There is however a portion of the Book of Revelation toward the end of John’s vision where he saw some rare details, this portion of scripture gives us the most clear glimpse into what life will look like after the Millennial Rule of Jesus (Chapter 20:7 through 21:5).

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