Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation has much clarity for this generation; God has the entire Bible written in such a way that His people might understand it and apply its teachings.  The final chapters of our scripture are not for the scholars only; just the opposite, everyone is called to understand the Book of Revelation and so to prepare for what it says is coming.  These teaching resources are aimed at equipping believers to read, interpret and rightly understand the Book of Revelation and it's many themes.

Book of Revelation Brad Stroup Book of Revelation Brad Stroup

God’s Throne Room

God dwells in the eternal city and runs the entire created order from His throne located in the city of Heaven. The Bible calls it His throne of glory, it is seen as magnificent, fearful and several passages describe intriguing details that cause our spirits to long our minds to wonder. This series is intended to supply us with an overview of God’s throne room and list some of the beautiful complexities of the room that God rules from and resides in. The information is in the Bible so that we can know it and have our hearts moved by it; that intention of this study is to draw us to love Him more and search out His ways.

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