The Prayer Movement & The Priesthood

God is orchestrating an unprecedented move of His Holy Spirit in the Earth today, in just the past few decades He has begun to raise up praying expressions of His Church across the nations.  The aim of these resources is to address various themes related to what God is awakening in this unique hour of history.

Brad Stroup Brad Stroup

History of the Prayer Movement

Currently a prayer movement is exploding across the nations, but this is not in any way a new idea. The scriptures tell us that God loves the practice of night and day prayer and that He has long desired for 24/7 prayer and worship to fill the Earth. Human history bears witness to this desire for extravagant worship and this series tracks the movement of night and day prayer throughout history citing many passages in the Word of God and telling the stories of those who embraced it. We will look at the prayer history of Israel through Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon and many others who continued the practice into the early Church, the Middle Ages and on into the modern era.

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