The Prayer Movement & The Priesthood

God is orchestrating an unprecedented move of His Holy Spirit in the Earth today, in just the past few decades He has begun to raise up praying expressions of His Church across the nations.  The aim of these resources is to address various themes related to what God is awakening in this unique hour of history.

Tabernacle of David

It is important that we know what the Bible really teaches & testifies regarding this mysterious subject so that we may believe rightly and correctly perceive what is happening in the Earth today. The scriptures testify that King David had a tent (commonly referred to as the Tabernacle of David) where he kept the fire burning of day and night worship for half of his lifetime. In this study we will peer into the heart of David, the man God said had a heart after His own and look at the ancient worship order, which he established in that tent. As we see how David lived his life and gauge the lavish attention that he gave to maintain the house of prayer in his day we can learn many things about the heart of God.

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