The Prayer Movement & The Priesthood

God is orchestrating an unprecedented move of His Holy Spirit in the Earth today, in just the past few decades He has begun to raise up praying expressions of His Church across the nations.  The aim of these resources is to address various themes related to what God is awakening in this unique hour of history.

A Brief History of the Prayer Movement

From the beginning God has longed for an extravagant human response to Him from the place of worship. The scriptures tell us about this unique aspect of His heart where He desires radical prayer and worship expressions to arise before Him from His people. History shows us that He has often seen this desire met through countless examples of those who have rallied together to form night and day prayer communities throughout the centuries. It will be the focus of this series to give a brief overview of the movement God has long had in His heart and which He has established at various times and in various places across the globe.

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