Wholehearted Living

We have been invited to live powerful lives in Christ. God requires that we fully obey Him and that we embrace the Word of God as true and apply it's teachings to our daily lives. These resources are meant to provoke us to live wholehearted lives and in pursue fullness in our ministries.

Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup Wholehearted Living Brad Stroup

Character of a Godly Leader

When we came to Christ we all became leaders in some respect simply by the virtue that now we carry the words of life that a dying world is in need of. Jesus left us with a commission that each of us are to partner with Him in various ways to lead people into the truth and submission to all of His teachings. Therefore we very much want to understand what the Word of God has to say about the concept of leadership and the kind of example leaders should set in whatever sphere of influence they may have. This series looks at the overall pressures put on leaders and helps us to define the characteristics of godly leadership.

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