End Time Themes

There is perhaps more information in the Bible on the generation that the Lord returns than any other time period, event, or topic in all of scripture.  Many are not familiar with the 150 + chapters that God gave us on this important subject and so don’t have a biblical foundation for what they believe about the end times.  The unfolding of the end time drama is a major part of God’s overall plan of redemption, which ends in the second coming of the Christ.  These teaching series cover a wide variety of subjects related to the trends and events that the scriptures prophesy will unfold in the final generation.

End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Harlot Babylon

The Harlot Babylon is probably one of the most important subjects for the Church of this hour to understand. Though there is an abundance of information in our Bibles about this end time harlot the subject remains mostly unknown or misunderstood. The prophets spoke about the last days and the resurgence of Israel’s ancient enemy; Babylon. These prophecies tell us that she will once again have great power and reach the heights of wickedness just before the end of the age. Alluring, deceitful, and all consuming, her harlotries will soon fill the Earth. This study touches on a variety of end time themes as they pertain to the end time rise of Babylon; signs of the times, the coming of the Antichrist, the role of Israel, the Great Falling Away and the increase of wickedness in the earth.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Babylon’s Final Reprise

The scripture introduces a mysterious subject, which the Book of Revelation refers to as the Harlot Babylon. This is probably one of the most important subjects for the Church of this hour to understand, though there is abundant information in the Word of God about this end time subject it remains mostly unknown and misunderstood. The prophets declared that Israel’s ancient enemy would rise again in the last days and that she would be powerful and intrinsically wicked. This series seeks to help us know what to expect when the Harlot Babylon rises one last time in the end time drama.

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