End Time Themes

There is perhaps more information in the Bible on the generation that the Lord returns than any other time period, event, or topic in all of scripture.  Many are not familiar with the 150 + chapters that God gave us on this important subject and so don’t have a biblical foundation for what they believe about the end times.  The unfolding of the end time drama is a major part of God’s overall plan of redemption, which ends in the second coming of the Christ.  These teaching series cover a wide variety of subjects related to the trends and events that the scriptures prophesy will unfold in the final generation.

End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Victorious Church at the End of the Age

There are many surprising and exciting aspects of the end time drama that we believe the Body of Christ will experience in the coming decades. The last days can rightly be defined as both great and terrible (Jo. 2:11, 31); this series will focus on some of the “great day” dynamics related to God raising up His Victorious Church that will stand firm in the face of difficulty. The Bible paints a picture of the Church in the last generation walking in power, prayerful, righteous, unified and fully embracing Jesus’ leadership. The hope of this 3-part teaching is to help us piece together how the Church fits into these great dynamics, that we would be able to recognize them in the scriptures, rejoice about them ahead of time and then participate with them as they begin to unfold around us in the coming decades.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Two Witnesses

God will raise up two men in the last generation to help provide the Church with the necessary leadership she will need to stand against the onslaught of the coming Antichrist regime. These men will be of real flesh and blood and stand as the foremost examples of the forerunner ministry at the end of the age. The purpose of their ministry is to bear witness for God and His ways as well as stand in witness against unrighteousness. Their testimony will resound across the Earth striking terror for the rebellious and stirring up hope for the redeemed.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

The Great Falling Away

There are very real consequences for not being aware of what the scriptures teach (Ho. 4:6). There are even more perils promised for those who refuse to heed the commands of God; who do not do what the scriptures teach us to do (Mt. 7:13-14; Jn. 15:2, 6; Ro. 6:23). The Bible promises that a delusion will come with such strength in the last days that it will actually cause a great number of believers to deny the faith and choose the path of wickedness. Jesus and the New Testament writers warned us sternly about this because those who go this path will end up in Hell.

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