End Time Themes

There is perhaps more information in the Bible on the generation that the Lord returns than any other time period, event, or topic in all of scripture.  Many are not familiar with the 150 + chapters that God gave us on this important subject and so don’t have a biblical foundation for what they believe about the end times.  The unfolding of the end time drama is a major part of God’s overall plan of redemption, which ends in the second coming of the Christ.  These teaching series cover a wide variety of subjects related to the trends and events that the scriptures prophesy will unfold in the final generation.

End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Clothed in the Resurrection

It may be that our greatest physical reward in the next age will be our glorified body. The quality of all life is determined greatly by the condition of our physical capacities, namely the strength of our body. If our body is healthy we have a much wider range in life and diversity of activities, however if we are sickly or weak then we are limited significantly. Our strengths and weaknesses, skills and unique qualities in the next age will greatly enhance our experience. In eternity we will each be given a new body that the Lord promises to clothe in resurrection power and included supernatural upgrades. This series takes a look at what the Word of God has to say about our resurrected body and how they will vary diversely according to the choices that we make in this life.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Babylon’s Final Reprise

The scripture introduces a mysterious subject, which the Book of Revelation refers to as the Harlot Babylon. This is probably one of the most important subjects for the Church of this hour to understand, though there is abundant information in the Word of God about this end time subject it remains mostly unknown and misunderstood. The prophets declared that Israel’s ancient enemy would rise again in the last days and that she would be powerful and intrinsically wicked. This series seeks to help us know what to expect when the Harlot Babylon rises one last time in the end time drama.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Eschatology in the Psalms

Psalms is a most amazing work with layers of revelation about God and instruction about life for the believer. There are therefore many ways to approach reading and studying the 150 Psalms that we have recorded. The aim of this series is to help us begin seeing the Book of Psalms as more than merely worship text but also as well-developed end time theology record by those who were part of David’s house of prayer. Those who spent significant time in God’s presence were shown in depth insight into the events and trends of the final generation. They recorded their revelations in songs that have been handed down and sung by the saints for thousands of years. We will take a closer look at many of the repeated themes of what these songs tell us about the last days.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Ministry of the Antichrist & False Prophet

The Devil has a sinister scheme for the end time drama when he plans to introduce his king, the man of lawlessness, called the Antichrist. He will also raise up a great advocate for this king; the False Prophet who will serve at his right hand to help him accomplish his wicked agenda. When these two begin their work together the world will undergo a scourge of oppression such as it has never known. This series describes who these two men are and their unique relationship to one another.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Martyrdom in the Last Days

Increased persecution and violence against the Church is a certainty in these coming decades; the Bible makes this abundantly clear. Evil and righteousness will rise together creating the hottest spiritual climate in human history. In this setting the Antichrist will launch his bloody agenda against the saints in an all out war against the Church. While he will take the lives of countless millions of believers things will not go how he hopes as mass martyrdom will actually backfire on him. The death of every righteous saint will only embolden the Church to preach the gospel more and stand strong in their faith. As these dark days approach we need to begin to prepare ourselves for the coming onslaught that we might stand strong when we and our families are faced with the ultimate sacrifice.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Life in the Millennial Kingdom: 8 Part Series

There is coming a glorious new age where Christ will reign over all things from a physical throne here on Earth. It will be a time unlike any thing creation has ever seen, there will be dramatic shifts in the broad strokes of human life where many elements of this current age will transition and some are even done away with altogether. We commonly refer to this dramatic 1000-year time frame as “the Millennium.” This resource seeks to explaining some of the details of what things will be like during Christ’s 1000 earthly year reign.

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End Time Themes Brad Stroup End Time Themes Brad Stroup

Life in the Millennial Kingdom: 3 Part Series

There is coming a glorious new age where Christ will reign over all things from a physical throne here on Earth. It will be a time unlike any thing creation has ever seen, there will be dramatic shifts in the broad strokes of human life where many elements of this current age will transition and some are even done away with altogether. We commonly refer to this dramatic 1000-year time frame as “the Millennium.” This resource seeks to explaining some of the details of what things will be like during Christ’s 1000 earthly year reign.

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