Intimacy with Christ

We were created for intimate fellowship with the God; those who draw near to the Him will experience the deep riches of knowing His heart.  It's from this place of intimate knowledge of who He is that He begins to release revelation of what He wants.  The longing of God's heart is to have a people who love Him and who are willing to partner with Him in the place of prayer.  These resource series focus on the person of Jesus and how we can cultivate intimacy Him.

Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Having an Actual Prayer Life

I’ve been reluctant to teach publicly much about prayer because I wanted to make sure I actually had something to say and that I personally had a real prayer life that would be worth exporting and imitating. After having spent the last 20 years cultivating a life of prayer I feel very confident in my life in God and there are many lessons that I learned along the way that I’d like to share now in the hopes that I might encourage the next generation of God’s friends how they too can have a real and meaningful prayer life. I decided to make this series very practical and so while I have frequently taught on the “why’s” of prayer this series is aimed specifically at “how” to have an actual prayer life. See you at His feet.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Greatest Commandment: 8 Part Series

When questioned about which of the commandments was the most important one Jesus changed the focus of the conversation from religious trivia to lifestyle and motivation, His answer would have far reaching impact. This series sets out to find what this means for the last generation and discuss what it looks like to live wholeheartedly in the midst of trends that seek to diminish love.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Greatest Commandment: 3 Part Series

When questioned about which of the commandments was the most important one Jesus changed the focus of the conversation from religious trivia to lifestyle and motivation, His answer would have far reaching impact. This series sets out to find what this means for the last generation and discuss what it looks like to live wholeheartedly in the midst of trends that seek to diminish love.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

The Garden of Your Heart

The Bible is full of language that depicts the human heart as a garden that must be cultivated and kept. This in itself is an expression of the tenderness of God and His deep longing for relationship, that we would be likened to something as serene as a garden – the original place of fellowship between God and man. This series is aimed at helping us to draw out the glory and the accompanying responsibility of this reality.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Friends of the Bridegroom

Jesus often spoke of His death and what would happen once He was gone. On one such occasion He stated that in His absence His dearest friends would long for His nearness and would begin to fast and mourn for His return. These lovesick friends would thus become living messages declaring His life, death, resurrection and certain return. Jesus called them friends of the Bridegroom who would represent a new era in Christianity. Ultimately, this new breed of believer will usher in His return and will serve the final generation as those who are near to the Bridegroom and who declare heart in preparation for His coming. This series looks at those friends as messengers of God who will have intimate friendship with Jesus in the decades before He returns.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Returning to Our Devotional Life

We all long for a real life in God that goes beyond religious activity and going through the motions and into vibrant relationship with Jesus. There is such a thing as an actual devotional life in God; an enjoyable reality where we feel God and we feel Him near to us. There is a real way of interacting with God and encountering Him regularly that is available to us and anyone can take hold of this hope. This 3 part series is aimed at helping us to fuel our life in God.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Longing for Eternity

The only way that we can really make sense of this present life is to peer into the next with eyes of faith. Every person will live forever somewhere; whether in a place described as paradise or in Hell for those reject Christ. The Bible gives us an ocean of insights and glimpses about Heaven and the age to come; not only telling us what it looks like but what life will be like as well. We have access to the Holy Spirit’s notebook where He paints a beautiful and inexpressible future for us who believe. We want for our spirit to engage the truths about eternity that will cause a deep inner longing, filling us with expectation and making our day tot day life far more relevant. In this short course we will see what the scripture has to say about that glorious future and seek to allow the information to impact our hearts into a greater pursuit of Jesus and fuller obedience to Him in this age.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

First Love

There is a God who from eternity past has strategically plotted in our favor; His heart is to love mankind. He wants us to understand that He has loved us first and that He is thus calling us to love Him in return. This series will take a look at what the scriptures say about God’s emotional makeup and how that can impact our hearts to love Him first.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Now Faith Is

Faith is the substance of things unseen and God makes a powerful invitation for us to embrace that unseen world and learn to trust Him in every area of our lives. This trust is based off of the simple premise that He has granted us full access to Him and His resources and that His capacities are limitless. He is our source, our supply and He is in the business of doing the impossible. As a result we can have full confidence if we are submitted to His will and we believe His Word. This teaching series takes a look at what faith is; how it works and how we can embrace the promises of God even when things look impossible.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Friendship with God

When we came to Christ we came into relationship with the one and only living God. More than a distant formal relationship, He now beckons us closer and into greater measure of encounter and understanding. We have been given the unreal privilege of having friendship with God if we want it; He wont force Himself on us but He longs deeply for much more from and for us. In this series we will look at what the Word has to say about this unfathomable opportunity and how we can go about entering into deeper levels of fellowship with God.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

The Gift of Salvation

God is not far off and unapproachable; He desires weak and broken people. He wants us to seek after Him all the days of our lives; this is the privilege that we carry in this beautiful gift of salvation. We have been redeemed out of darkness for far more than just the washing of our sins; God wants us to enter into relationship with Him on so many levels. When we know who we are to God we relate to Him far differently, with a right view of God we interact with Him and respond to His commands with a perspective of love and obedience. This series intends to help us get a better perspective of eternity in light of our salvation, to see His desires for us more clearly and understand some of the privileges that we have in God now that we are part of His family.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Cultivating a Life of Prayer

Prayer is the way God has chosen to govern things on Earth, this tells us a good bit about how He prioritizes and how He views the place of prayer. This teaching series assesses the value of developing a true prayer life and it seeks to equip believers with vision for how this can look in our daily lives. The sessions include descriptions of many of the benefits to be gained as well as practical instructions to successfully cultivate a life of prayer.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

The Devoted Life

The all-powerful and all sufficient God is searching for those who would live out lives fully devoted to Him. He wants life long pursuers who would be intentional to align our hearts with His desires and our lives His purposes. As we grow in the understanding about what He wants it causes us to be more intentional to make Him the focus of every area of life. This teaching series presents some of the passages in the Word of God that cast vision for what that pursuit should look like as we all try to respond to God’s call for lives of devotion.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Prayer & Intimacy With God

We were created to enter into intimate fellowship with the God who formed the furthest parts of the universe. Those who draw near to the Lord will experience the glories of knowing His heart; it is from this place of intimate knowledge of who He is that He begins to release revelation of what He wants. The longing of His heart is to have a people who love Him and who are willing to partner with Him in the place of prayer. This teaching series introduces what that intimacy looks like and how we can focus our hearts toward the Lord through a lifestyle of prayer.

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Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup Intimacy with Christ Brad Stroup

Worth of Christ

Forever mankind will love the Lord our God with all our heart; currently around the throne in Heaven Jesus is declared as the Worthy Lamb due all power and wealth and honor and praise (Re. 5:12). The praise of the holy ones above is a perfect picture of what will become the eternal reality; Christ will be praised night and day as the center of all the nation’s worship. This teaching series helps lay the foundation of what the Word has to say about why He is worthy, what He is worthy of and how we are to express that worth.

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