Navigating the Pressures of This Generation

The Bible tells us that Church in the final generation will face some unique pressures that will require us to live differently.  These resources are meant to help us understand the generation we are living in and how we can navigate this unique time in human history. 

The Perfect Storm

In this series we will take a look at some of the things that God's prophets are declaring are on the horizon for us in America. There is coming a series of events that can only be described as The Perfect Storm; the resulting impact promises to permanently change this country and our way of life. It includes great difficulties that have been appointed to our nation in order to awaken the Church to turn towards the Lord. Join with us in a provoking discussion about what is being prophesied, what has already unfolded and the effects of what is coming.

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Answering the Present Crisis in America

America sits ripe for judgment as sin steadily grows in our land and our nation turns her back on our Christian heritage. The Lord is not going to let this stand, He is far from done with our country; but there is an ominous question that should weigh heavily on the heart of every believer in this hour. God is going to move and show Himself strong in America, but through what means will we see God move? Will it be by devastating judgments or through life giving revival? This is the present moment that we are living in and the while the crisis can be averted and we could even see God bring about historic blessing in it’s place thus far there is still a woefully inadequate response to Him for the scale of justice to tip from judgment to favor. In this series we will examine the problem, the solution and the course that we are currently headed on.

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Sound the Alarm

It’s time to sound the alarm! God is shaking the nations and America will not be exempt. Recently there has been major flooding, devastating fires, damaging tornadoes, an unfathomable number called to evacuate due to a hurricane and an earthquake that shook six states all in the midst of continued terrorist activity on our shores. All of these events have impacted various parts of America at virtually the same time. This is unprecedented and our nation should be reeling over these tragedies, but instead there is a spirit of stupor over us! The Church is supposed to know what is going on and be actively engaged in the conversation with Heaven about these things, but the lost world around us is more in tune with what is happening than the Church.

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Islam, Isis and Jihad

We are living in very uncertain times. America is fighting an enemy that cannot be overcome by traditional warfare nor can this enemy be defined by geography, nationality or race. We are facing a far-reaching religious ideology that is currently still widely misunderstood and underestimated. The threat posed is a Church issue even more than it is a national one and the people of God cannot afford to remain uninformed about the threat that Islamic Jihad will have in the next decade. The recent rise of ISIS is only one of an unending number of terrorists groups that have and will continue to form; all of them share a demonic agenda that is based in the teachings of the Quran and which has significant end time implications.

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Resisting the Spirit of the Age

We are living in a morally confused culture that is embracing wrong at every turn and is beginning to violently oppose what it good, true and right. This is the hour that we find ourselves living and our Bibles actually tell us that things are going to get a whole lot worse before Jesus returns. As believers committed to hold to the truth and follow Jesus faithfully we need to identify and then learn how we can resist the spirit of the age that is quickly gaining ground all around us. The hope of this series is to dialogue about the perversity that we are facing today in such a way that gives clarity as well as provides direction about what we can do to answer these difficult issues in love.

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Urgency of the Hour

We are so accustomed to thinking about understanding the end times as an optional thing. In this series my hope is that we are able to see that not only is that false, it is quite dangerous to go on not understanding the Biblical storyline of how this age will transition. Jesus didn’t just tell us that we could know it, but He said that we must perceive that we are living in the final generation and then respond in some very specific ways.

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Faithful Until He Comes

The unique pressures at the end of the age, especially those that will befall those in places of leadership will create a particularly difficult context to stay faithful to the Lord. This theme is given a significant amount of attention and one thing that the scripture repeatedly makes clear is that it’s not how we begin the race that matters but how we finish it. As believers and followers of Jesus I believe that we have three basic mandates; to love Him from our heart, to serve Him with our lives and to obey Him in all we do. At the end of the age every believer will be faced with three related questions and be judged accordingly; Did you cultivate love for me? Did you serve my Kingdom purposes? Did you obey my teachings and instruction? In this series we will look at what God is wanting for and from us as answers to each of these questions.

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