Navigating the Pressures of This Generation

The Bible tells us that Church in the final generation will face some unique pressures that will require us to live differently.  These resources are meant to help us understand the generation we are living in and how we can navigate this unique time in human history. 

Brad Stroup Brad Stroup

Mandate for the End of the Age

The end times are coming whether we are ready for them or not. The details that are laid out in our Bibles are going to unfold around us just as they are written regardless of how well prepared for them or ignorant to them we may be. The Church has a mandate to understand the last days and respond accordingly; its our job to make ready a generation for the Lord’s return. In this series we aren’t going to talk much about the details of the end times but rather use the sessions to talk about why we absolutely must understand the times that we are living in and the essential nature of gaining a firm foundation in the end time scriptures.

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Islam, Isis and Jihad

We are living in very uncertain times. America is fighting an enemy that cannot be overcome by traditional warfare nor can this enemy be defined by geography, nationality or race. We are facing a far-reaching religious ideology that is currently still widely misunderstood and underestimated. The threat posed is a Church issue even more than it is a national one and the people of God cannot afford to remain uninformed about the threat that Islamic Jihad will have in the next decade. The recent rise of ISIS is only one of an unending number of terrorists groups that have and will continue to form; all of them share a demonic agenda that is based in the teachings of the Quran and which has significant end time implications.

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